Friday, May 15, 2020

It Is Easy Enough To Quickly Decide Whether You Believe

It is easy enough to quickly decide whether you believe in the nature or nurture debate when talking about child language acquisition, yet it is extremely important to decipher which theories are correct or not, this is what I will be looking at. Generally, children begin to learn to speak at around the age of 1, some children may learn a bit quicker than that, and others may take that little bit longer to begin speaking. Yet, this has to do with the immense difference between understanding and using language. Children may simply begin to comprehend language before actually being able to actually use it to communicate themselves. An example may be that a child could understand that when their mum says â€Å"dinner† that means they are going to†¦show more content†¦This may be because parents often use the words mum and dad to talk about themselves around their child, so the child may be copying them, this is Skinners theory of imitation, there the child copies what people say, especially their parents. He also created the theory of both positive and negative reinforcement. The positive reinforcement side states that children will do something due to praise and rewards, they may act a certain way because they g et good things from it. Whereas negative reinforcement is where children act a certain way in fear of punishment and maybe having something bad said to them. A strength to this theory is that Skinner attempted to make his theories as scientific as possible, therefore he can scientifically prove parts of his theories and make it so it is not just his word. A negative side to his theories is that, in relation to positive reinforcement, the child may pretend to act a certain way in order to receive the reward, yet they might actually not be acting like that sincerely and may even act differently around other people that don’t reward and praise them. A child goes though stages when they first begin to speak, first of all they go through the babbling stage. This is the first child development stage, where a child uses noises and different sounds instead of actually speaking words. The second child development stage is the one word stage.Show MoreRelatedEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1236 Words   |  5 PagesIn the Oxford English Dictionary, â€Å"euthanasia† is defined as â€Å"the means of bringing a gentle and easy death† (â€Å"euthanasia† def. 2). Today, euthanasia is a method used in the medical field to put an end to a patient’s agony by taking their life for them, making it a very controversial topic. 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