Thursday, August 27, 2020
Stars :: essays research papers
STARS The extent scale was developed by an antiquated Greek stargazer named Hipparchus in around 150 BC He positioned the stars he could find as far as their brilliance, with 1 speaking to the most splendid down to 6 speaking to the faintest. Current space science has stretched out this framework to stars more brilliant than Hipparchus' first size stars and ones a whole lot fainter than 6. Incidentally, the eye detects brilliance logarithmically, so each expansion in 5 extents compares to a lessening in splendor by a factor 100. The supreme size is the greatness the stars would have whenever seen from a separation of 10 parsecs or some 32.6 light years. Clearly, Deneb is inherently brilliant to make this rundown from its more noteworthy separation. Rigel, of about a similar total size, however closer, stands considerably higher in the rundown. Note that the greater part of these separations are extremely close by, for an enormous scope, and that they are commonly dubious by at any rate 20%. All stars are variable somewhat; those which are noticeably factor are set apart with a "v". What are evident and supreme extents? Clear is the manner by which splendid the appear to us in the sky. The scale is fairly subjective, as clarified above, however an extent distinction of 5 has been set to precisely a factor of 100 in power. Total extents are the manner by which splendid a star would show up from some standard separation, subjectively set as 10 parsecs or about 32.6 light years. Stars can be as brilliant as total size - 8 and as black out as total size +16 or fainter. There are in this manner (a not many) stars in excess of multiple times more splendid than Sirius, while scarcely any are known fainter than Wolf 356. Star, huge heavenly body made out of gravitationally contained hot gases emanating electromagnetic radiation, particularly light, because of atomic responses inside the star. The sun is a star. With the sole special case of the sun, the stars seem, by all accounts, to be fixed, keeping up a similar example in the skies a seemingly endless amount of time after year. Truth be told the stars are in quick movement, however their separations are extraordinary to such an extent that their relative changes in position become clear just throughout the hundreds of years. The quantity of stars noticeable to the unaided eye from earth has been assessed to add up to 8000, of which 4000 are obvious from the northern side of the equator and 4000 from the southern half of the globe. At any one time in either half of the globe, just around 2000 stars are noticeable.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Pursuit of Happyness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Pursuit of Happyness - Essay Example With a slogan, â€Å" How much would you be able to think about yourself in the event that you have never been in a fight?†[1] , the film, through the character of played by Norton, completely persuades us that even we are carrying on a dead and an exhausting life like him. What's more, getting into a ‘fight’ is the main way we can be alive once more. The film recounts to an account of a protection specialist experiencing sleep deprivation who feels that he is the most hopeless individual on the earth. His primary care physician requests that he visit the care group of various ailment to realize that there are more hopeless individuals than him. He begins feeling better by taking a gander at them and feels minimal invigorated. Yet, his life becomes damnation when young lady called Marla enters his life, as even she is a faker like him and this causes him to feel uncovered. Norton is demonstrated to be a casualty of a cultivated and marketed society. His drives are smothered and his life gets exhausting and dead. At some point, when thinking if his life would have been unique on the off chance that he was an alternate individual, a man called Tyler enters his life and from that second Jack’s life changes totally. The film is an editorial by a protection operator who recounts to his story. The scenes and the individuals that he discusses are shot so that we really feel the fatigue and an incredible downturn. His office, his everyday practice, his movements and his visits to the care groups are depicted in such a mechanical and dull way that it causes us to accept how hopeless he is. It shows how the outer things like brands, items, corporate houses, profession and artificialness seeing someone have made our life dead. Through Norton’s character, we experience a mind-blowing deadness. The
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write My Self Assessments and Personal Growth Essays
How to Write My Self Assessments and Personal Growth EssaysThere are a lot of guides and tips on how to write your self-assessment but if you look at the ones that are available in the internet, you will realize that they are rather confusing and may lead you to make mistakes. So you need to know how to deal with it.The first thing that you should do is to just start. Know what you want to achieve and the best way to get there. You should also write down the strategies that will help you achieve your goal. From this point, you can now proceed with the assignments.Your next step is to gather a writing pad and paper. Choose a topic that you feel comfortable with. After that, you can start writing the self-assessment as per your plan.Once you have finished writing your self-assessment, you should sit and take a break. This is important because you need some time to be relaxed and to think about your plan. You can now try to answer the questions about yourself and things that you may be able to improve in the future.You will be able to answer all the questions of the test on how to write my self-assessment. You may also ask other people to help you out with the questions. This is the next step which is to get the answer from the people who will help you in this case.It is important to ask others for their opinion about your goals. Also, you should add more things to your list of things that you need to do for your personal development. By doing so, you will have more motivation to achieve the goals.This is how to write your own essay. If you follow these tips properly, you will be able to come up with an essay that can reflect the way you think and the way you live. This will be a good way to start improving your writing skills.These are some tips on how to write your personal self assessment and personal growth essay. You will be able to come up with a topic that is interesting to read.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Picking The Perfect Analytical Tool For Our Business
Picking the perfect analytical tool for our business can be a difficult task, tedious and expensive business. We can even go for free administrations, for example, Google Analytics. The issue is regularly that regarding the matter of value or administrations, there isn t much in the method for a centre ground between the free administrations and the administrations that can cost you a large number of dollars. Many companies are complaining that there is huge amount of data and we don’t have enough number of analysts to analyze that data. The most imperative thing to recall when settling on a choice is that while picking the right tool is vital, of far more prominent significance are the people who will be getting the key bits of knowledge from the tools. Currently this is a huge problem running in the industry. A regular situation is for sites to spend big amount on top of the extent investigation just to have them make a huge number of reports and insights that they don t have the assets to genuinely get it. Such sites would in all likelihood be ideally serviced by running with a less expensive more constrained investigation choice that they do have the assets to pick up understanding from. To solve this problem one of the top analyst named Avinash Kaushik developed a rule called as 10/90 rule. Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google launched the service in November 2005 afterShow MoreRelatedBased On The Mbti Online Test1828 Words  | 8 Pagesonline test, I am the type of ENFJ, which I think it really matches my personality (See Figure 1). ENFJ stands for Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging. ENFJ is known as â€Å"givers†because they have a highly sensitive ability to help others and picking up on another person’s feeling. For example, when there is a problem, ENFJs will try to find the best solution that works for everyone. ENFJs have an excellent communications skills and personable aura that people want to be around. They also findRead MoreProject Report on Security Analysis15431 Words  | 62 PagesKARVY STOCK BROKING LIMITED A Project Report on SECURITY ANALYSIS (STOCK-PICKING STRATEGIES) Submitted To [pic] Punjab Technical University Jalandhar In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement of the award of, Masters of Business Administration. MBA SESSION: 2010-12 Project Guide:- Submitted By:- Mr. SUNIL PANDEY GAGAN DEEP VERMA Regional Head of Roll No. 105042249858 Karvy StockRead MoreQuantitative Analysis For The Financial Performance Of Barclays Bank2931 Words  | 12 Pagesgives way to qualitative analysis and allows us to gauge the running of a business better. Quantitative analysis is key towards improving our understanding of the relationships that may exist among key financial variables or key factors influencing the performance of a firm. The application of quantitative analysis towards business performance is a key method of identifying problems that may hinder the growth of the business and tackle their root cause. Barclays as a financial institution has establishedRead MoreGuide to Stock-Picking Strategies14022 Words  | 57 PagesGuide to Stock-Picking Strategies Thanks very much for downloading the printable version of this tutorial. As always, we welcome any feedback or suggestions. 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Gartner forecastsRead MoreA Study on Social Media Marketing6376 Words  | 26 PagesSocial media marketing Social Media Marketing: An Overview The first aim of any business is to be known amongst their target audience. This is no different for online businesses that strive to shine out amidst billions of sites. Online businesses aim to market their site in several different manners to gain them more customers and business. One such marketing technique is social media marketing. Social media marketing is a term that defines marketing thatRead MoreA Study on Social Media Marketing6365 Words  | 26 PagesSocial media marketing Social Media Marketing: An Overview The first aim of any business is to be known amongst their target audience. This is no different for online businesses that strive to shine out amidst billions of sites. Online businesses aim to market their site in several different manners to gain them more customers and business. 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Yet in the ï ¬â€šurry of technology and enthusiasm, little attention has been paid to how to design focused, thoughtful, and user-friendly dashboards. Our three-part guide will show you the concepts and give you the best practices to create a high-impact dashboard that peopleRead MoreMaster Thesis Logistics Management in Retail Industry26467 Words  | 106 PagesJÃâ€"NKÃâ€"PING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL JÃâ€"NKÃâ€"PING UNIVERSITY Master Thesis Logistics Management in Retail Industry A case study of 7-Eleven in Thailand Master Thesis within International Logistics and Supply Chain Management Authors: Latika Supasansanee Patthaveekarn Kasiphongphaisan Susanne Hertz Benedikte Borgstrà ¶m June 1, 2009 Tutors: Jà ¶nkà ¶ping: Acknowledgement ____________________________________________________________ _______________ There are many people involved in
Friday, May 15, 2020
It Is Easy Enough To Quickly Decide Whether You Believe
It is easy enough to quickly decide whether you believe in the nature or nurture debate when talking about child language acquisition, yet it is extremely important to decipher which theories are correct or not, this is what I will be looking at. Generally, children begin to learn to speak at around the age of 1, some children may learn a bit quicker than that, and others may take that little bit longer to begin speaking. Yet, this has to do with the immense difference between understanding and using language. Children may simply begin to comprehend language before actually being able to actually use it to communicate themselves. An example may be that a child could understand that when their mum says â€Å"dinner†that means they are going to†¦show more content†¦This may be because parents often use the words mum and dad to talk about themselves around their child, so the child may be copying them, this is Skinners theory of imitation, there the child copies what people say, especially their parents. He also created the theory of both positive and negative reinforcement. The positive reinforcement side states that children will do something due to praise and rewards, they may act a certain way because they g et good things from it. Whereas negative reinforcement is where children act a certain way in fear of punishment and maybe having something bad said to them. A strength to this theory is that Skinner attempted to make his theories as scientific as possible, therefore he can scientifically prove parts of his theories and make it so it is not just his word. A negative side to his theories is that, in relation to positive reinforcement, the child may pretend to act a certain way in order to receive the reward, yet they might actually not be acting like that sincerely and may even act differently around other people that don’t reward and praise them. A child goes though stages when they first begin to speak, first of all they go through the babbling stage. This is the first child development stage, where a child uses noises and different sounds instead of actually speaking words. The second child development stage is the one word stage.Show MoreRelatedEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1236 Words  | 5 PagesIn the Oxford English Dictionary, â€Å"euthanasia†is defined as â€Å"the means of bringing a gentle and easy death†(â€Å"euthanasia†def. 2). Today, euthanasia is a method used in the medical field to put an end to a patient’s agony by taking their life for them, making it a very controversial topic. Many people argue that it is morally wrong to take a human life, and others may argue that it is even more wrong to make someone suffer more than they need to. I will argue that euthanasia and physician-assistedRead MorePublic Torture Vs. Penal System1030 Words  | 5 Pagestorturi ng and executing a criminal. There are no exceptions. Whether you steal or murder, the same punishment appliesâ€â€public torture is the punishment. The monarchy has full and complete control over the people. The main purpose of public torture is to put the fear of God into society so that everyone behaves as they are expected to. Public torture is, simply, punishment for your actions just like it was as a child. If you do something wrong, you get punished, no questions asked. There are no complicationsRead MoreDialectical Journal 3 : Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn1599 Words  | 7 Pagesa thousand times than take up a snakeskin in his hand.†2. â€Å"What did that poor old woman do to you that you could treat her so mean?...she tried to be good to you ever way she knowed how. That’s what she done. I got to feeling so mean and so miserable I most wished I was dead.†3. â€Å"†¦he had†¦the blackest kind of eyes, sunk so deep back that they seemed like they was looking out of caverns at you†¦he put on a clean shirt and a full suit from head to foot made out of linen so white it hurt yourRead MoreTechnology And The New Home1688 Words  | 7 Pagesways to plan the move and interact with the various service providers that we employed to help us along the way. I am happy to say that the move went very smoothly and I know that it would not have been as easy for us had technology support services offered by the providers we used not been as easy to use and readily available. We moved into a rental home for our first two months in Texas before deciding to buy a house of our own; and that is when the first problem occurred. We had set up our InternetRead MoreLending Money For A Home1151 Words  | 5 PagesBefore 2007 borrowing money for a home used to be extremely easy because loans were very easy to obtain from banks regardless of debt. Housing prices continued to increase because money was quickly accessible from banks. Too much money was too readily available. Every part of this financial lending fiasco culminated to a jarring decline from 2007-2008. At that time America suffered a financial crisis that some economists parallel to the Great Depression. Banks were unable to loan, the Stock MarketRead MoreEverything I Never Told You By Celeste Ng1218 Words  | 5 PagesFor centuries now women have been degraded to a lower standard and have not been able to accomplish their aspirations. One of the relevant themes in Celeste Ng’s novel, â€Å" Everything I Never Told You†, points out women’s loss of effort to reach their goals after marriage and having kids. The most prominent example of this was portrayed by Lydia’s mother, Marilyn. She goes through ups and downs throughout the story indicating her lifelong struggle to settle into her position as a housewife is not whereRead MoreReflection Paper1405 Words  | 6 Pagesmy mind, what seemed to be my high school’s mantra, â€Å"everyone is capable of achieving their goals, no matter where you came from.†These words are something I have clung onto; they are something I thought were just positive, harmless words. However, life is not so easy for some, and my mind is slowly being subjected to differing viewpoints that I have heard all my life, but quickly dismissed. Pretending we are all on a level playing field because we all have access to public schooling is absurd.Read MorePhysical Strength And Basic Self Defense1701 Words  | 7 P agesparticularly vulnerable to the attack. Muggers, rapists, and stalkers are a constant threat. The need for women to have the ability to defend themselves is immense, but many do not know how. Countless people believe that in order to properly defend themselves, they must study complex martial arts, build enough muscle to punch hard, or carry a gun; however, this is not the case. While these things may be helpful, preventive measures and basic self defense are more effective than physical strength and skillRead MoreThe Field Of Mental Health Counseling1201 Words  | 5 Pagesfield of Mental Health Counseling is a serious concern for everyone involved, whether the person is just beginning their journey, or if they are a seasoned veteran with years of experience. Unless, the person has a prevention plan in place and adds it into their busy schedule and does not stray from their commitment of their self-care program. It is easy when we get busy to skip a day here and there and t he next thing you know we have not taken care of ourselves for a month or longer. Once we permitRead MoreQuestions On Problems And Exercise1198 Words  | 5 Pagesguarantee software delivery on time and within budget. Unfortunately this is hardly the case. Even well-designed projects fail. Some common reasons that lead to project failure are: †¢ Poor project definition and planning †¢ Users are not involved enough †¢ Lack of commitment to project †¢ Disability to change or adjust to changes †¢ Unrealistic expectations from system capabilities †¢ Unskilled personnel for operation of this specific software In more detail: †¢ Poor project definition and planning. It
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should Pokemon Go Brings People Into The Real World Essay
Debate on Whether Pokà ©mon GO Brings People Into the Real World Pokà ©mon GO, an augmented reality digital game released in July this year, became popular among young people because it overlays the real world with itself. In order to catch Pokà ©mons, players have to go outside their house and explore the streets and parks. Due to that, many young people spend time outdoors and talk to other players about catching Pokà ©mons. For the room for debate section, the New York Times holds a discussion on â€Å"Does the Pokà ©mon GO phenomenon show that technology can bring people into the real world, or is it just tying them in a new way to the digital realm†. Among the three authors who contributed their opinions on the topic, Sherry Turkle makes the most powerful argument, since she points out by logic that communications based on a virtual game do not actually tie people to the reality. Three people with different backgrounds make their arguments in the debate. The first author Sarah Jeong is a fellow in journalism at Yale and the Internet Law Policy Foundry. Jeong claims that Pokà ©mon GO already does the best a game can do on connecting players to the real world. As one of the young players, her credibility is based on her experience playing the game. In his passage, readers can know that why she loves the game and how she is connected to the real world by the game. She describes how she enjoy the game as well as the environment and the communication with others clearly since she as aShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"Let Us Make This A New Age Where We Show Our Gratitude†1418 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Let us make this a new age where we show our gratitude†(Pokemon X and Y). Video games are not quite as simple as people think. Bringing together the creative vision of one person or a few hundred people; they are large endeavors that require much time and tale nt. The resulting product is what you play; the art that is a video game. Seamlessly blending the ideas and talents of so many people into a moving story or narrative, where the story is told not solely through words or pictures, but throughRead MoreNintendo Switch Essay890 Words  | 4 Pages7 Games that Should Be on Nintendo Switch While the initial hype around the Nintendo Switch has fallen away, there are still many of us who enjoy this neat little console. It is actually a rather portable device and it does make hanging out with friends while playing games an enjoyable experience – well, as long as you keep winning! Now, while there are some great games you can play on the console – yes, we’re talking about Zelda – you still have plenty of titles out there that are not on it. ARead MoreHow Technology Has Impacted Our Culture Essay1692 Words  | 7 Pagesdoing to help our generation and beyond to become more physically active. To begin, it is important to understand the importance of living an active lifestyle. Being sedentary for large portions of the day is terrible for the human body. Being obese brings around a lot of health issues and Dr. Hruby says, â€Å"sedentariness plays an important role in obesity†¦ sedentary activities at home or work increased the risk of becoming obese†¦ whereas an hour per day of brisk walking was associated with 24% lowerRead MoreSecond Skin : Separating The Real World And The Virtual World Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesSeparating the Real World and the Virtual World In today’s culture, people who regularly play video games have been stereotypically viewed as overweight, lazy, slobs, who can’t keep a job and never leave their homes. However, a majority of the population plays video games or owns a console. These stereotypes mostly apply to PC gamers, and MMO players in particular. While most people don’t develop such severe addictions to the game, there is a group of people who suffer. These people are usually imaginedRead MoreMy Childhood - Original Writing1607 Words  | 7 Pagescircumstances it’s practically necessary to have a safe place to go to. These places can range from a bedroom to a church to a therapist’s office. Mine is a little bit different from others and it’s a little place called Schumerth. Growing up, I was unknowingly spoiled with nature. I lived on a fairly main street so not that much was near me, especially for a little kid to go to alone. Despite the urbanization, my parents frequently would bring my two younger brothers and I to parks throughout the cityRead MoreTop Ten Stories : Summer 20162181 Words  | 9 PagesBen Stefadu Mrs. Nagi 2nd Hour Top Ten Stories: Summer 2016 Brexit: At the end of June, Great Britain made the decision to leave the European Union. A referendum was held where more than 70 percent of the UK voted(more than 30 million people). It resulted in a 52 to 48 percent win for those in favor of leaving. When dividing the United Kingdom into its sovereign states the division can be seen clearly: England and Wales voted strongly for Brexit, while Northern Ireland and Scotland backed up stayingRead MoreSelling Violent Video Games On Minors2161 Words  | 9 PagesHonors 18 April 2016 Selling Violent Video Games to Minors, Is It Good? In the year 1972, something happened that would forever change the world of home entertainment and personal enjoyment. The first video game to break through the confines of reality, was a game called Pong. From Pong, to Call of Duty, people come a long way in the world of video games. However, some games have struck up controversy with their gratuitous violence and their questionable motives. It has become soRead MoreVideo Games For Minors : Is It Good?2187 Words  | 9 PagesEnglish 3 Honors 18 April 2016 Selling Violent Video Games to Minors, Is It Good? In the year 1972, something happened that would forever change the world of home entertainment and personal enjoyment. The first video game to break through the confines of reality, was a game called Pong. From Pong, to Call of Duty, people come a long way in the world of video games. However, some games have struck up controversy with their gratuitous violence and their questionable motives. It has become so controversialRead MoreVideo Games Do More Than Entertain990 Words  | 4 Pageslike a cellphone, and 81% of teens have or have access to a game console.â€Å" (Lenhart 1) When most people read this, they might assume it is a bad statistic and something that needs to be lowered, however it actually has many positive attributes that usually go unreported. The positive effects of video games outweigh the negatives in the bigger picture. Video games help to develop the social skills that people think teens lose nowadays. Teenagers who do play video games do better in school tha n those whoRead MoreSwot Analysis25582 Words  | 103 Pages In 1914, the company purchased the Australian operation, and the company Cooper Engineering Co. (CEC) was born. Seven years later, in 1921, the introduction of the Sunbeam brand reflected CEC’s core business shift to electrical appliances. After World War II, CEC changed its company name to Sunbeam Corporation and it introduced the slogan ‘Best Electric Appliance Made’. The first Australian appliance, the Sunbeam mixmaster, was launched. Despite the fact that it cost more than an average Australian’s
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leadership and Management Psychological Relationship
Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Management for Psychological Relationship. Answer: Part A Identification and Assessment of the Needs of the Customers: As commented by Lewis (2013), exercise and fitness has now certain psychological relationship with dressing style of an individual. Everyone wants to look good when it comes to fitness and as a result they pay more attention to their dressing. Research has shown that a kind of athletic look has inspired the fitness freaks to dress in a way that portray their effort towards fitness. If the recent trend has to be considered, leggings have been used by the female gym goers. It has been observed that major clothing brands like Zara, that are not in the business of fitness clothes or gym wear are also making approach to launch clothes for athletes or other fitness lovers (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Satisfying the expectations of customers, in terms of: Quality: It has to be understood that gym wear is something that an individual wears on a regular basis just like a uniform. Therefore, maintaining good quality of the material of the costume is indeed important. Time: Coming up with a detailed manufacturing plan and meeting with the demand of the consumers in the market within 6 months of time is feasible. Cost: The price of the product has to be fixed on the basis of the price of other competitors. However, researches have shown that people are often found to spend good amount of money on fitness clothes and shoes if they find it comfortable and fashionable for themselves. Therefore, it is recommended that there shall be different ranges of products available for different consumers. Methods of Identification of Trends in the Market: In order to understand the recent market trend, the most effective way is to understand it from the consumers themselves. An online survey or directly interviewing people to understand their point of view might be fruitful for understanding the needs of the customers (Darkooti, Esmaeilzadeh and Davin 2015). Moreover, keeping pace with the recent fashion trends by following sports magazines or consumers needs and expectation can give idea about the recent trends and the liking of the consumers. A good eye on the competitors product has to be kept and coming up with products that can compete with the existing product is the right approach of understanding the trend of the market. Method to Ensure Delivery of Products within Organization: Monitoring the delivery of the product is the primary requirement to ensure delivery of products. There should be an individual who has to be assigned with a particular responsibility of monitoring the delivery of the product. A separate and distinct position should be allotted to an individual for the monitoring purpose. The dealers and the suppliers are to be monitored properly and it has to be make ensured that the products are delivered on time (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Products can be delivered in a bulk to the dealers who can sell the products in exclusive stores. Apart from this, online delivering and shopping option always remain a convenient method of delivering products to the consumers. Explanation of Monitoring Team Performance: In order to make the performance of the employees effective, it is important to monitor their activities. Every employee needs to be monitored and an account has to be kept of the daily performance of the employees. Most importantly, it is required to make an action plan of the complete procedure of exporting and manufacturing the products. It is based on the performance review necessary actions can be taken to improve the situation as required (Darkooti, Esmaeilzadeh and Davin 2015). If required, the employees can be trained as well. Proper training or teaching them in the right way can help to overcome the situation if any kind of fault is recognized in the activities of the employees. Evaluation and Monitoring Own Performance: The best way to monitor self performance is to set the target for a particular day and then make necessary plans to carry out the activity to accomplish the target of the day. Making a step by step plan of the things to do and then following the same step wise will definitely make the things better. Every situation might lead to certain things that act as a learning guide (Lewis 2013). It is important to understand the requirement of the situation and act accordingly. Researching on self and coming up with plans to monitor the performance of self can be the best way to self-monitor. Better Learning Opportunities to Improve Performance: It is evident that at the time of carrying out any kind of activity, an individual comes across any kind of situation that helps the person to understand their role or performance. To improve the performance, it is important tom understand the demand and needs by putting oneself in the customers shoes (Balajade, Dana and Rezaeishirazi 2014). If the particular product is designed by the means of understanding the perspective of the consumers, then there remains a better opportunity of getting fruitful result. Getting feedback from the customers and then working on the same factors to improve the business condition is indeed the primary means of improving the business and the products of the company. Assisting Team Members to meet Customer Service Standard: The most effective way of understanding the needs of the customers is by directly communicating with them. In order to achieve this, it is recommended to conduct a survey among the target groups of people. Asking people about their choice and expectation would definitely help to understand the needs of the customers that can finally help to come with such products that will meet the requirement of the consumers (Grigali?nait? and Pilelien? 2013). Again, getting updated with recent trends by following recent magazines or news where the trends and liking of people are narrated. It is on the basis of complete evaluation, the product shall be designed. CommunicationSkill to be used: The best way of communicating with the team members and assisting them in the right way is by the means of addressing each employee personally. Therefore, interpersonal communication with the employees can be effective. Face to face communication or carrying out a detailed meeting with the employees by addressing the issues can be effective (Hwang and Ng 2013). In this respect, it can be said that leadership quality plays an important role. As a manger, it is important to follow up with the needs of the employees and communicate with them as per necessity. Part B: Impact of laws on business: Anti-discrimination law: The gym products and equipment should be designed for all irrespective of any kind of biasness related to particular race or religion. The model or the face for the company might be someone belonging to different ethnic groups (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). Australian Consumer Law: The Company must be responsible enough to deal with the complaints of the consumers in case if there is any kind of faulty products are found (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). If the consumers are ready to pay for the particular product, the Company shall give worthy product. Industry codes of Practice: The Company has to deal with good standard with the dealers and suppliers of the product. All kinds of documents should be checked and rechecked before making any kind business. Work, health safety: Employees who are responsible for the manufacturing process should be kept under utter guidance and care. In case, if there is any kind of hazardous situation then the management should take proper measurement to overcome the crisis. Ethical principles: The Company should carry out all the activities with basic ethical guidelines. There should be truthfulness and justification in their prime business or manufacturing activities (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). Importance of Public Relations and Product Promotion Any kind of activity that is focused to involve public good helps to enhance the image of the company. Public Relation acts as a tool for promotion. It has to be understood that the major aim of the Company is to launch a new product and as viewed by Berman et al. 2015, public relation is most effective in case of launch of new product or repositioning a product. For a renowned company like Colesworths, if they carry out any public relation activity, it will have positive impact towards their other products as well. Public relation will create a positive image in the market that shall help to attract more consumers. There are numerous evidences when an organization has used Public Relation as an approach to promote their product or improve the image of the organization. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR activities always prove to be fruitful for an organization (Certo and Certo 2013). Therefore, it is also recommended that in order to compete with the competitors in the market, Colesworths might come up with better Public relations activities that shall help them to approach the target group of people and increase the sale of the products. Reference List: Balajade, M.H., Dana, A. and Rezaeishirazi, R., 2014. The Relationship between Service Quality and Loyalty of Sports Customer.Research Journal of Sport Sciences,2(2), pp.55-59. Berman, E.M., Bowman, J.S., West, J.P. and Van Wart, M.R., 2015.Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage Publications. Certo, S.C. and Certo, S.T., 2013.Modern management: Concepts and skills. Pearson Higher Ed. Darkooti, A., Esmaeilzadeh, M.R. and Davin, H.F., 2015. The relationship of business intelligence of managers in fitness club of Mashhad with the rate of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Fransen, K., Van Puyenbroeck, S., Loughead, T.M., Vanbeselaere, N., De Cuyper, B., Broek, G.V. and Boen, F., 2015. Who takes the lead? Social network analysis as a pioneering tool to investigate shared leadership within sports teams.Social Networks,43, pp.28-38. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Pearson. Grigali?nait?, V. and Pilelien?, L., 2013. GYMSservice quality evaluation in Kaunas city.Lase Journal of Sport Science is a Scientific Journal published two times per year in Sport Science LASE Journal for sport scientists and sport experts/specialists, p.98. Hwang, B.G. and Ng, W.J., 2013. Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges.International Journal of Project Management,31(2), pp.272-284. Lewis, S., 2013. An Online Customer Service Survey to Determine Current Levels of Customer Satisfaction at a Cross Fit Gym. Rue, L., Byars, L. and Ibrahim, N., 2012.Management: Skills Application. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
If I Were Primeminister free essay sample
If I were the Prime minister of Nepal The Prime minister of Nepal, a country of peace and tranquility, rules over corers of people and enjoys immense power as the defacto head of the nation compared to the president who is only a de jure or nominal head. If I become the Prime minister by a stroke of luck, I’d exercise all the wide powers by improving the lot of the countries catastrophic and miseries. My first duty as Prime minister would be to form a capable and stable cabinet. I’d give more priority to the distribution of duties of the cabinet ministers. I’d make a list of the important problems. Priority would be given to education, development of industries and agriculture besides tackling the problems of unemployment, poverty, corruption and over-population. My aim as Prime minister would be to make the society conscious of the evils. I’d try to create an atmosphere of sweetness and confidence rather than suspicion and hatred in the field of political activities. We will write a custom essay sample on If I Were Primeminister or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this regard, I’d respect the views of the opposition. I’d match the mis-match of dwelling standard.My living standard will definitely be matched with the others those who live in slums. I’d direct all ministers to cut their coats according to their cloths. At present, millions people don’t get enough two square meals a day and their children seem roaming in the streets in tattered cloths and bare feet, I’d make all these story of the past. Regarding the existing poverty would be alleviating ensuring genuine economic justice. Adequate food, shelter and employment would be exercised imposing heavy taxes on the countries affluent classes, who spend huge buck recklessly in 5-star hotel.I’d discourage those spend colossal money for solemnizing marriage. I’d rather manage yearly medical check-ups and free medicines those who can’t afford the cost at all. My education policy would be universalizing of elementary education, launching total literacy campaign in a period of 5 years. I’d make education free of cost up to high school for both boys and girls. A voice â€Å"education no tension†or â€Å"each one teach one†would be a motto campaign through media to encourage one and all. Moreover, vocational and agricultural education would be promoted extensively across the nation.I’d follow the policy of cooperation and friendliness among all the countries of the world. Currently caste and communal prejudices govern many decisions but I would let it sprout at any cost. I’d like to take a stern action and boycott viz. flatters, sycophants, hangers-on, smugglers, mafias, girl traffickers, black marketers, intermediaries of social evils. Freedom of press would be prioritized. I’d reform the administration of courts. Especial arrangement would be made for dispensing justice quickly and promptly.Special attention would be given to landless, weavers, scheduled castes and tribes besides providing a special and permanent package to Rahute, Hariya and would be give steepened who have already attained 55 years and above. Since the established of true democracy is the basis of all round wellbeing of the people at large, I’d leave no stone unturned to eliminate the existing undemocratic practices. Equal rights for everyone-rich or poor, elimination of exploitation of labourers by capitalists would be boost up.The would be constitution would be constitution would be drafted creating the elimination of impunity, exercising concrete consensus among all the political parties to render a genuine breakthrough for the progress and prosperity of the nation. If I were the Prime minister of Nepal, I’d try my best to solve the impasse of drafting new constitution conducting a round table conference with all the major and minor political parties to provide a penetrate for the development of the nation providing at least 50% facilities in each field for the women empowerment.Family planning and small scale industries would be much more concerned during my tenure. Cozy conferences, symposiums, and much publicized seminars which cost much most but yield less would be lessened at an alarming rate I don’t know how far I shall be successful in my wish for giving the people the best I can but I hope me sincere attempts wouldn’t fail.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on Elvis
Elvis’s Influences Elvis has meant many things to many people all over the world. He was gone from Rock’n’Roll to Hollywood Heartthrob, back to Las Vegas megastar. But if you look carefully Elvis was nothing than a mere boy raised in the south that was taught to love his mama and Jesus. These are the basic things that made him a great rock and roll legend. Elvis changed the face of rock and roll forever with his dance moves, sexuality, style of clothes, long hair, and different style of music that was no accepted by all Americans. Also his used of black music and black style made a lasting impression in history (Pratt 377). Elvis introduced many different styles to the music world during the 1950s. The black population influenced many of these. Elvis did t sound fully white, were fore many radio stations we cautious of playing his music due to the â€Å"black-white rigidities of a segregated society†(Pratt 376). He used different types of black music to make his own. He was â€Å"the only artist to have the same record at number one on the pop, country, and rhythm and blues charts†(Schmidt 339). Many black Southerners resented this and all the success that he gained by it because he was using music that had originated by black but was unable to be sold on the market due to the â€Å"segregated commercial world†(Pratt 377). Although some black musicians resent him, some pay tribute to him like B. B. King and James Brown. They believe that through his use of black music it opened up many opportunities for them (Rosenbaum 388). Fusing black music with white country music to make a new kind of music was the thought be his â€Å"best known aspect of his career and his greatest accomplishment†according to Pratt (337). From his gyrating hips to his shaking body, Elvis’s must stunning quality was his sexuality. He was banned form performing and was shunned by mothers and fathers but he was adored by all his young fans that... Free Essays on Elvis Free Essays on Elvis Elvis’s Influences Elvis has meant many things to many people all over the world. He was gone from Rock’n’Roll to Hollywood Heartthrob, back to Las Vegas megastar. But if you look carefully Elvis was nothing than a mere boy raised in the south that was taught to love his mama and Jesus. These are the basic things that made him a great rock and roll legend. Elvis changed the face of rock and roll forever with his dance moves, sexuality, style of clothes, long hair, and different style of music that was no accepted by all Americans. Also his used of black music and black style made a lasting impression in history (Pratt 377). Elvis introduced many different styles to the music world during the 1950s. The black population influenced many of these. Elvis did t sound fully white, were fore many radio stations we cautious of playing his music due to the â€Å"black-white rigidities of a segregated society†(Pratt 376). He used different types of black music to make his own. He was â€Å"the only artist to have the same record at number one on the pop, country, and rhythm and blues charts†(Schmidt 339). Many black Southerners resented this and all the success that he gained by it because he was using music that had originated by black but was unable to be sold on the market due to the â€Å"segregated commercial world†(Pratt 377). Although some black musicians resent him, some pay tribute to him like B. B. King and James Brown. They believe that through his use of black music it opened up many opportunities for them (Rosenbaum 388). Fusing black music with white country music to make a new kind of music was the thought be his â€Å"best known aspect of his career and his greatest accomplishment†according to Pratt (337). From his gyrating hips to his shaking body, Elvis’s must stunning quality was his sexuality. He was banned form performing and was shunned by mothers and fathers but he was adored by all his young fans that...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Canadian politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Canadian politics - Essay Example According to proponents of reforms, the way in which the system operates now. With twenty?four senators per region plus six assigned to Newfoundland and Labrador; does not reflect the political reality of contemporary Canadian federal relations. Of these one is for the Northwest Territories i.e. Yukon and Nunavut. These senators are appointed by the prime minister to serve until the age of seventy?five as per the current constitution. This arrangement of the upper house has never gone down well with Prime Minister Harper and together with the conservatives has always wanted to reform the senate in order to make it more efficient. These he advocates through the policy of the triple E that stands for equal, elected and effective. However, Harper keeps following the tradition of patronage that he so criticized while in the opposition. His government has tried severally to pass bills that do limit the tenure of senators to between 8 and 12 years through the introductions of bills that al so provide a legislative frame work for the election of senators. These efforts were to form the basis for the governor general appointment of new senators on the advice of the prime minister. These bills were unsuccessfully introduced by his government seven times in the 39th and 40th parliament but did not sail through as the conservatives were a minority in the house at the time. In the 41st parliament, Mr. Harper had a majority in the house hence the agenda to reform the senate was introduced through two previous bills that were now introduced as one i.e. Bill C-7, the senate reform act. This bill sort to reform the selection of senators and set there were term limits by amending of the constitutional act of 1867. The assumption was that since the conservative had now a majority in the house this bill will surely pass. Note that the Canadian parliament has powers bestowed to it to amend parts of the constitution that exclusively fall within its jurisdiction. The bill intended to achieve this through legislation and both parts of the bill were indeed inline with the Constitution Act of 1982. It was therefore constitutional in principle (Thompson 64). The bill however did not pass into law due to pertinent issues that were raised by the opposition and this goad the prime minister through the governor general to seek guidance from the court concerning the matter. There were two contentious issues, one relating to the framework to be used for electing nominees for senate appointments from the province. This concerned matters relating to recommendation for senate nominees to the governor general from a list from the provinces or territories. This list is for those who will have been elected through an election held inline with the provincial or territorial laws drawn in accordance with the framework. The second was the pertinent issue about the tenure of the senators to a one off nine year limit. The nature of the Canadian parliament from the past is that senat ors have generally been in office for an average period of between 9.7 years since 1975. Therefore, the provision in Bill C-7 was to limit the tenure of senators to a one term of 9 years would in a real sense have no political or constitutional effect per see (Thompson 96). Thus, the character of the parliament would roughly remain the same. However section 29A right up to 31 of the constitution states that a person referred to in subsection (1) whose term is interrupted may be summoned again to
Friday, February 7, 2020
Identity and Linguistic Repression in Gloria Anzaldua's How to Tame a Research Paper
Identity and Linguistic Repression in Gloria Anzaldua's How to Tame a Wild Tongue - Research Paper Example For instance, issues about linguistic repression and cultural barriers face culturally diverse societies due to the existence and assertion of rights among people in the mainstream and minority cultures. Accordingly, this paper tackles the cultural and linguistic barriers faced by Chicano Spanish in the U.S. in the process of their interaction and integration in the mainstream American society. Further, this paper also studies the different linguistic variations among Chicano Spanish living in mainland U.S. and those living in near the American borders. In relation to Anzaldua’s article, this paper contends that the concept of â€Å"wild tongue†does not actually exist; instead, it is actually a misunderstanding between the mainstream and minority culture concerning their linguistic and cultural practices. Further, this research argues that idea of â€Å"wild tongue†arises out of the outward and seemingly unreasonable restrictions that the American society puts upon its Chicano Spanish immigrants. Relatively, Chicano/as become linguistically aggressive by using the Pachuco language, regardless of the existent linguistic restrictions, and this also brings out the idea of linguistic terrorism. At the end of this research, this paper hopes to identify the implications of linguistic repression on the identity formation of individuals, particularly on how they perceive other cultural denominations. In addressing those objectives, this paper provides the analysis of related literature, particularly scholarly journals and books about the Chicano culture and the Chicano Spanish language. Article Overview Anzaldua’s article highlights one of the most common challenges faced by immigrants in the U.S., particularly those who are non-native English speakers. In the article, Anzaldua defends the origins and authenticity of the Chicano Spanish language while maintaining her assertions concerning the linguistic restrictions in the U.S. as linguist ic terrorism against their language (36). In the article, Anzaldua explains that the Chicano Spanish language comes as a collective desire of the Chicanos/as to assert their cultural and linguistic individuality. For instance, she cites her personal experience on linguistic differences and cultural adaptation wherein she also asserts the repressive impact of such repressions on identity formation. Aside from this, the bottom-line of Anzaldua’s article is her argument about the â€Å"wild tongue†as an assertive response to the existent repressions in the U.S. Anzaldua points out such restrictions in the first few paragraphs of the article, particularly with her encounter with people in the American society. For instance, she cites her meeting with the dentist, who tried to control her tongue. Although the dentist intends to attend to Anzaldua’s teeth, one can say that she misunderstood the dentist’s statement as an outward restriction against her speaking her native language. In the succeeding paragraphs, Anzaldua points out the existing treatment of teachers, both English and Spanish, in teaching English to Chicanos. Specifically, this includes the training both inside and outside the school wherein children, at an early age, are taught to repress their own language and accent to effectively, and easily integrate themselves with the majority culture and language, which is English. Throughout
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Race and Gender Schemas Essay Example for Free
Race and Gender Schemas Essay A person’s gender schema affects how they treat all other people regardless of age, race, or social position; because we assume that everyone fits into one of two categories: male or female. There are other cultures that do not have a binary gender schema, and allow people to occupy a â€Å"third position†combining traits that Americans would see as male or female. It is unfortunate that gender schemas are so restrictive and create expectations and judgments about people’s authentic selves that can damage the psyche (Valian, 208). As a way to navigate the social world, gender schemas can be important, but like schemas for race and social class, they can reinforce hierarchies that restrict a large part of the population. Below, I will talk about my own gender schema, how I view the gender schema of my society, and how it could be changed to better As media becomes an ever more powerful force in shaping the worlds perception of itself, an individuals struggle to maintain a unique identity and self-understanding apart from media influence becomes increasingly difficult. Damaging to the idea of the self are the racial, gendered, and class-based stereotypes (always artificial and frequently physically, fiscally, and emotionally unattainable), which are broadly perpetuated and, because of their persistence, are apparently not broadly questioned. The prevalence and power of gender (especially female) stereotypes in the media are addressed in this p My own gender schema has changed radically from when I was younger. I can remember asking my mother â€Å"is that a boy or a girl? about a person whom my mother identified as a woman, but who had a very square, angular face with large eyes. Later, I learned to incorporate larger scale features (curvy hips or breasts; large shoulder-to-waist ratio) into my schema. Although I was raised as a girl and have always looked female (if not always perfectly feminine), I don’t always â€Å"act like a girl†– I am somewhat aggressive when playing sports, I’m not shy about asking questions, and I’m sometimes stoic about my emotions. This reflects my gender schema for males: â€Å"typical men†are aggressive in sports, readily ask questions, and do not express emotions. By contrast, â€Å"typical females†in my gender schema are concerned with their appearance, are not aggressive on the playing field, tend to be shy if they ask questions, usually assume that they are not in a position of authority, and express their emotions freely. My schematic representation of male and female physical features has relaxed slightly since childhood; plenty of the women I was with in high school were more angular than curvy. Even though I grew up in a fairly enlightened part of the world, men and women still used nonconformity to gender stereotypes/schemas to insult each other across group lines (women insulting men for being too female-like; men insulting women for being too male-like). Also, I was more cautious of people who did not fit my gender schema, because these schemas predict behavioral and cognitive tendencies, however unreliably. Although our society has changed significantly even in the past 30 years, gender schemas themselves are still very restrictive. It may be the case that fathers have increased their contribution to childrearing time so little because the gender schema for males still dictates that a man spend the best hours of his day at his job (TenenbaumLeaper, 616). Women are expected to conform to people’s gender schemas by liking children and being caring, sympathetic people – all qualities of good mothers. However, it is never clear that every woman you meet wants to be, or is even capable of being, a mother. Many people still retain a gender schema that does not allow for women in positions of power in the workplace. The industrialized nations’ gender schemas â€Å"support a sexist society by propagating an ideology of an innate and entirely pervasive, sex determined social structure†(Devor, 147). This is as bad for men as it is for women. For every woman passed over for promotion at work because their boss’s gender schema classifies them as a â€Å"mothering type,†unsuited for the fast-paced world of their chosen industry, there is probably a man in a high-pressure job that would like to ask for paternity leave, but doesn’t want to be belittled by â€Å"the guys. From my perspective as a woman, and as someone who has felt pressure to conform to a feminine gender schema, it seems like women get a worse deal if everyone uses the male/female gender schema in which typically-feminine behavior includes letting other people have their way, assuming you are not in a position of authority, and paying more attention to your appearance than your skill set. For gender schemas to change in society at large, gender schemas must change for children. The best way to do this is by exposing children to gender-atypical men and women in an accepting way, expanding children’s gender schemas and symbolically making it acceptable for men and women to be as â€Å"masculine†or â€Å"feminine†as they feel like. Another way to take the claws out of the American gender schema would be to legitimize between-gender roles, either by working towards acceptance of transgendered and transsexual populations or by studying the gender schemas of other cultures as a way to shift our own prejudices about what constitutes â€Å"maleness†and â€Å"femaleness. Shifting our gender schemas will allow people’s inherent strengths and weaknesses, rather than their adherence to stereotypes, to be the most important determinant of how we treat others. Heightened public awareness of both the existence of and potential damage caused by these stereotypes is essential if they are to be eliminated. Frequently, though, they are d ifficult to combat and even to identify because of the ways in which they are presented. Overwhelming amounts of time and energy are devoted to uplifting a small, specially selected portion of the population as models of physical perfection. These individuals are, predominantly, television and movie celebrities, fashion models, and sports figures. The glamorous ways in which these occupations are portrayed by the media are seemingly impossible to separate from the physical appearance of the people who hold them. The glamour that surrounds the media presentation of the lives and careers of these individuals extends, not surprisingly, to the clothes that they wear and the way that they look. In fact, so much attention is given to celebrity appearances that entire television programs are devoted to little else but visual exploitation of celebrity clothing and their tangible products of their latest fad workouts. The media presentation of the celebrity body has a single unifying thread, regardless of the specific job title of a given celebrity. Celebrity bodies are desired, both subjectively and objectively. The media, without question, shapes this public response. It can be argued (and has been, on many occasions) that, because the media portrays celebrities bodies as attractive, desirable, and good, they become national symbols of these characteristics. Conversely, bodies that do not meet this lofty goal frequently are, consciously or unconsciously, regarded as bad or ugly. Consider the most recent (and extremely popular) advertising tack used by Subway, the national fast food sandwich chain. Jared, the protagonist of the recent slew of television commercials, allegedly lost hundreds of pounds while on a diet consisting primarily of the chains fare. Jareds before pictures show him considerably larger than his current size, but they also show him alone, with no friends or family. In stark contrast, however, his after action shots consistently show him not only thinner, but also constantly in the presence of a beautiful woman, presumably his significant other. The advertising message is clear: fat=bad, ugly, unhappy and alone, thin=happy and with attractive partner. Through these commercials, Jared has assumed celebrity status, solely on the basis that his body has changed to approximate more closely the current standard of attractiveness. Sadly, though, there is a severe disconnect between the male and female body types lauded in the media and those of the public at large. A shockingly small minority of the population has the genetic dispensation to match with what the media purports to be attractive. For women, desirable physical characteristics (as they are portrayed in the media) include being thin, long-legged, slim-hipped, and large-breasted. The media-portrayed desirable physical characteristics for men include being muscular and possessing a full head of hair. Some characteristics are portrayed as desirable in both sexes, such as being tall, fit, athletic, young, and light-skinned. In the gap between what is implicitly beautiful in the eyes of the media and the physical reality of the popular majority flourishes a market of self-improvement products and services, ranging from hair dye and makeup to tanning salons, dieting, and plastic surgery. It seems as though nearly everyone, at some point in his or her life attempts to alter him- or herself in a physical way, in order to conform more closely to the marketed norm of attractiveness and desirability. Television, magazines, and newspapers are filled with advertisements promoting self-loathing, while offering miracle, body-altering cures. The body that does not conform to a sexy, sleek stereotype becomes a thing to be hated, improved upon, and generally tortured into submission. A portion of the damage caused by such a mentality is quantifiable, though observation of the huge profits accumulated yearly by various diet programs and plastic surgeons. The harm of this presentation of the human body can also be seen in our current societal epidemic of disordered eating, including anorexia, bulimia, over-exercising, excessive dieting, and over-anxiety over food. While the population subset living with and recovering from disordered eating is still predominately composed of women, the number of men with disordered and dangerous eating habits is on the rise. In addition to physical damage, intangible psychological harm results from body image problems to which the media contributes daily. When men and women are faced with the implication that their bodies, if they fail to conform to an impossibly stringent set of standards, are unattractive, unhealthy, and unlovable, they begin to lose confidence in themselves. The perception that a single, narrow range of body types is acceptable and healthy for men and women is not only in error, but contributes to widespread social discontent. Instead of celebrating the diversity and beauty of the human form, the media stifles our desire to feel comfortable with ourselves in an attempt to fool us into supporting a billion dollar self improvement market, from which the media garners tremendous financial benefits. In addition to (and perhaps more devastating than) the physical and emotional damage caused by the current media-driven obsession with achieving an arbitrary physical perfection, our society faces losing serious social perspective. As it is currently used in the media, the body is stripped of its uniqueness and forced into frustratingly narrow constraints: good/bad and attractive/unattractive. Little or no public attention is given to the countless other factors around which a persons identity is structured: kindness, generosity, honesty, friendliness, work ethics, personal motivation, intelligence, and spirituality. By focusing too intensely on the physical, our society risks losing sight of the fuller sense of what people are, and what makes us truly beautiful. My LAP is going to talk about a personal experience that I have encountered with a family member. I have a brother who fits the schemas that we have spoke about in class. I feel that my brother has been dealing with identity issues for a long time since his childhood. How do you deal with being something that you don’t feel you are? Being in this class has me see that everything is not black and white. Schemas are just a stereo type and everyone that may be something does not always seem to be the case. Sometimes there are many reasons that people feel that they are a part of a schema it can be caught up in how people act. Many things on TV make people want to try things like being attracted to the same sex. But sometimes it can be what is going on in your environment. Sometimes I feel that I am a part of a schema I am one of the only black females at my job that is around wide variety of Reform Jews and to me I feel sometimes that I am not suppose to be there but I hold my head up high and keep my enthusiasm very high. So schemas are every day and it just does not have to be about sexuality.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Roy Lichtenstein was the most visual of all The Pop Artist. Explain :: Art
Roy Lichtenstein was the most visual of all The Pop Artist. Explain why this may be true. Roy Lichtenstein led the way for pop artist’s and exploited it to the best that any artist could. Roy Lichtenstein led the way for pop artist’s and exploited it to the best that any artist could. Lichtenstein was born in New York in October 1923. Lichtenstein’s parents were middle class people, when he went to school art wasn’t on the curriculum. Although when he was young he did paint. Lichtenstein was and still is considered the most sophisticated pop artist around. Roy Lichtenstein was inspired by Picasso’s paintings; he studied them and learnt from them. In 1961 Roy Lichtenstein made use of the â€Å"Ben-Day dots†. This was the first time an artist had used this device. The â€Å"Ben-Day dots†were firstly mastered by Roy Lichtenstein. With the new invention of this device it made way for commercial use of it. Lichtenstein’s art was always fairly colorful and in most cases telling us a story. Reverie 1965: Roy Lichtenstein always enjoyed illustrating and implementing carton drawings into his work. Reflections of a Scream 1990: Reflections of a scream is illustrating to society how the world is today. The answer is Children. As you can see from the above two pieces of art, Roy Lichtenstein is a visual artist, the two pieces of art were created by the use of â€Å"Ben-day dots†, you will soon or if haven’t yet realized it Lichtenstein did all his art work using this device. The commercial use of Ben-day dots†allows advertising to take posters to the next step. Advertising could now have large scale posters on buildings and relatively cost effective. Lichtenstein wanted his art work to relate to items and places to the outside world. Roy Lichtenstein had on many occasions gone into a comic book store and buys hundreds just so he could read them and hopefully get inspired from them. He was a realist, didn’t expect much from other people. â€Å"Whaam†was created in 1966; this was a time when tensions were high. The cartoon and comic heroes were playing a vital role. Lichtenstein took these actions and manipulated them to his own personal mind of thinking. In many situations the out come was one of action, he wanted to appeal to the younger generation. â€Å"Whaam†does this. Lichtenstein revolutionized art it self. He modernized art with the use of pop art. Out of the three most well known artist’s (Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein) Lichtenstein is the most visual out of them. Roy Lichtenstein Explosion 1965-6 Explosion 1965 another action piece of Lichtenstein’s art, he started
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Must be 540 words
Why are you seeking a career in osteopathic medicine, and why do you believe CCOM would provide you with the type of osteopathic medical education you are seeking? Witnessing and experience are two good things that influenced me to create my very personal vision mission statement. My parents were both physicians and I have observed the kind of critical service they gave to their respective patients. The essence of selfless giving to help humanity created in me the desire to help others. This compassion for people suffering from different illnesses thus became my passion. I was exposed to osteopathic medicine when I was still a student in Loyola University of Chicago. Osteopathic manipulative medicine triggered the interest and self awareness in me. This is the lack in medicine intervention to emphases on prevention by achieving wellness focus on health education, injury prevention and disease prevention. I see the need to acquire skills and knowledge on developing a system on medical care that promotes the body’s immune system or innate ability to heal self. Discerning differences between allopathic and osteopathic medical practice through actual observations, I’ve found that the approach of osteopathic medicine and its manner of treatment is friendlier where many patients finds it comforting to seek medical advise. The consultation was most helpful and informative to challenge behavior change in unhealthy lifestyle. The combination of intervention and prevention is but perfect channels to improving health and patient’s lifestyles! I firmly believe Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine has the edge to offer the most comprehensive education and training in the world of Osteopathic medicine being referred outstandingly by friends and colleagues alike. Amazing how an Osteopath’s highly developed sense of touch allows the human body to palpate even those that fail to appear on x-ray which I see is a potential to reduce radiation contamination. There is some kind of shared responsibility and shared effort which looks like a buildup of teamwork that is most commendable between the patient and the administering physician. This fits well with my outgoing personality and interest in health problems resolution without drugs or surgery applications which I believe is one of the philosophies of OMM. I am a few steps near to my dream. I want to utilize the knowledge and training obtained from this study program to help people locally and globally who are in dire search for the cure or maybe nearest to the cure on individual ailments. A good informative interactive website will do after I finished the course. I am into helping financially disabled patients get all the resources they can get to help them manage their illnesses and their bodies. A non-profit lung cancer institute will be the finale of that dream. This satiates passion and let me perform duties helping people live. Given this chance to prove my sincerity to serve people reduce stress and worries brought about by their illnesses and afflictions, I seek approval for admission to study Osteopathic Medicine in Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. I may be a few steps towards fulfillment but it can never be what I want it to be at this moment when I’m still here soliciting for your agreement to help people and  waiting for your signatures to signify approval of this application. I humbly ask understanding that the next step of that dream to serve humanity starts with you. Thank you so much for your time.    Â
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Synthetic Drugs And Its Effects - 1678 Words
Addiction, one of America’s number one problems, and when it seems that we’ve solved it, it always seems to rear its ugly head back in some other form. This could be due to the fact the internet is making a newer class of synthetic designer drugs much more available. (Mycyk, 2012) Synthetic drugs have been a consistent and ongoing problem for our nation over the past few years since their creation and introduction to the world. Every day, we see more and more people hospitalized due to use of synthetic drugs, and the addictive behaviors they creates with in people. Even with the bans that the Food and Drug Administration have passed on them, we see people continuing to gain access to these designer drugs. Over the course of this research paper we will discuss synthetic drugs and what they are, review a few cases of people using these drugs and their experiences, discuss the issues with addiction, as well as a proposed solution to help those addicted to these terrible de signer drugs as well as ways to help eradicate the remaining amounts on the streets. Spice, also known as synthetic marijuana, what is it? Spice is a designer drug, more commonly known as a synthetic drug, this one representing marijuana, which generally has the ability to avoid drug detection. (Linday, 2012) Spice is a mix of herbs and manmade chemicals with mind altering effects, it earns its right to be called synthetic marijuana because some of the chemicals in it are very similar in manner to those inShow MoreRelatedWhy Are Synthetic Drugs Legal?1446 Words  | 6 Pagesabout from people at his work. Fast forward six months later and he is hardly recognizable as the man he has always been. The effects of synthetic drugs are non-forgiving, robbing it’s users of any type of quality in life. What starts out as a cool high, turns to addiction, when it is time to quit the real problems start. Forty-six days clean, and yet the effects of synthetic marijuana are still felt. Here he stands thirty pounds less with no appetite ever, it seems. His mind has times of feelingRead MoreDrug Drugs And The New Zealand Party Scene1723 Words  | 7 PagesPHARM111G Drugs Society Assignment 2: Legal Highs Pre 2008 Legal Highs were the crux of the New Zealand party scene. Legal highs like Party Pills and Synthetic cannabis have since been reclassified as class C drugs and have been pulled off the shelves of all retailers in New Zealand. Since the psychoactive substances act 2013 there has always been the looming suspicion that the drugs will make their way back onto the shelves, by bending their way around the law or in the underground scene. 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A lot of people are unfamiliar with this type of drug, while some just can’t get enough of it. Just like other drugs, Spice can cause harm to one’s mind and body. This paper will explore the history behind spice, its effect on the military personnel, as well as the effect s on high schoolers. To begin, let’s explore theRead MoreDrug Classification System ( Atc )904 Words  | 4 PagesNovember 30, 2016 Drugs In pharmacology, a pharmaceutical drug, also called a medication or medicine, is a chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose a disease or to promote well-being. Traditionally drugs were obtained through extraction from medicinal plants, but more recently also by organic synthesis. Pharmaceutical drugs may be used for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for chronic disorders. Pharmaceutical drugs are often classified into groups of related drugs that have similar
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